My Little Black Hole

I’m gonna dig a hole
out in the back yard
my own little black hole
that’ll suck in all the stuff I don’t want anymore
the old tools
the books I’ll never read again
the bad photos
and the memories that weigh me down
the hurtful things I have said
my shameful indifferences
my callous disregards
those times when I could have done better
but chose not to
and I’m gonna put all the mean
people I have met in there too
the ones that pissed me off
or treated me badly
or dismissed me as unimportant
you’re all going in there
the unwanted aggregate of a lifetime
I’m gonna start over
a clean slate
done with the baggage of 70 some odd years
and when I’ve cleaned everything out
I gonna cover it over with manure
and some dirt and mulch it real good
and I’m gonna plant a yellow pansy on top of it
I think it’ll do real well

Marv Himmel
July 11, 2016 ©

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